Start up Forbinde

Start up Forbinde

Free Video hosting service Forbinde went to live today. In this website will be getting revenue for let’s play creator and game developer’s . One of the main features of this site is it focuses on let’s play videos. Unlike video hosting sites getting user information rather than providing relevant videos based on the user’s preferences or ranking, the video will be displayed randomly based on relevant tags or keyword searches. This mean that we believe that way to provide chance to active regardless of whether you are a beginner who wants to start posting videos or a famous distributor. In addition, the number of views and other factors that the contributor cares about are made as invisible as possible to the viewer. Therefore, it is difficult to get viewers to watch your video unless you give them the impression that it will be interesting, for example by using thumbnails or titles. It's still a very simple site to upload videos, watch them, and comment on them, but we are developing a system that will allow viewers to follow the contributors and check their new videos, and also allow viewers to promote their videos so that the game developers and video contributors who made the gameplay videos can earn money. In the future, we will be developing a system that will allow viewers to follow and view new videos, as well as promote the videos, so that the game developer and the video contributor who made game play video can receive revenue. The site is still very much like a baby, but if you're interested in posting videos, or want to promote your own games, Forbinde is the place to be!