22/9/8 23:00

tampering data MHRiseSunbreak MonsterHunterRise

MHRSB Summary of conditions for identifying tampering data

MHRSB Summary of conditions for identifying tampering data

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Monster Hunter Sun break sold on one month passed. Monster hunter updated Anomaly Inverstingations is added to end content on August 10 in Japan time. It is randomly created kawaii quests are added as you clear or gather items for Anomaly Investigations quests. And more your created quests were can shared quest for friends. However it seems that modded quests have been circulating in the game to take advantage of this.

In response, the official website announced about identifying tampering data way.

  1. Kawaii quests is not presence for Colosseum Stage.
  2. The number of participants were solo only and three.
  3. Relationship between number of targets and level
  4. When the number of targets is 2 monsters, there is no level 20 quests or below. And more 3 montsters hunting quests, is no level 40 or below.
  5. Trio monsters hunting quests are limit time Only 50 minutes.
  6. Two Monsters hunting quests are limit time not 25 minutes.
  7. Of 1 and 2 star monsters, such Arzuros and Khezu. Anomaly Anomaly Investigations quests are considered to have a failure count of 9 times.

At this stage, we have not confirmed any saved data corruption due to interference with modified data so there is no need to be overly fearful, but it would be best to delete the data if you can confirm it in order to avoid becoming data corruption .

Have a good hunting life!

Links to the official website

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