22/10/20 10:06

Capcom MonsterHunterRiseSunbreak MHRiseSunbreak

Monster HunterRise SunBreake: Announced some information on the third big update on Twitter.

Monster HunterRise SunBreake: Announced some information on the third big update on Twitter.

Monster HunterRise SunBreake official Twitter account announced information of the third update on October 19.

A free third update will be let in late November with adjustments for the Anomaly Investigations quest. It will let you adjust the Quest Level to your choices. Adjust the Quest level can be low-rank anomaly materials from your favorite quest. For example, you get level31’s Garangolm hunting quest to grow up to level 100, difficult to get low-rank anomaly materials, however next update you will then be able to freely change the level within that range, get easy low-rank anomaly materials from your favorite quest.

A third update’s information is known only to Anomaly Investigations quest. As soon as get new information soon.

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