22/11/23 18:05

Space Indie game Puzzle

Filament: Unravel the cable puzzle and find the cause of the spaceship accident.

Filament: Unravel the cable puzzle and find the cause of the spaceship accident.

Filament is a high-level single puzzle game, The Filament Corporation's flagship research vessel, and tries to wrestle control back from a mysterious complication that left the ship locked down and the crew missing.

About this game

In this game, the player solves the puzzle to the robot’s cable to touch all light bulbs, and unlock the door. According to the official site, the game puzzle is very difficult, however, it can procrastinate, and a new version added to the hint system. and more with over 300 puzzles, there is plenty to do.



In flagship traces of logbooks and recodes of messages to the outside world left by the seafarers. Let's collect them and find out, why the ship become too wrecked.


Sale Location

Filament is sold on Nintendo Switch, Steam, and Epic Game Store. And now more Steam and nintendo sales on max 75% otam sale.

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